Board meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 8:30 AM and the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM at the office of the Eaton County Road Commission. Any changes will be posted at least 18 hours prior to the affected meeting.
A preliminary meeting agenda shall be prepared by the staff and forwarded to the Commissioners on or before the Friday preceding each regularly scheduled meeting of the Board. Such explanatory notes as are deemed necessary or desirable shall accompany this agenda. items requested to be placed on the agenda by a commission member prior to 4:00 PM on the Tuesday Preceding a Commission Meeting Shall be included on the agenda.
Prior to the conducting of any other business at a regular meeting of the Commission, there shall be a motion to adopt an agenda, normally the preliminary agenda described above. When supported, there may be further motions to amend this agenda. A motion to amend must be supported by a majority vote. When any and all motions to amend have been disposed of, a vote to adopt the meeting agenda shall be taken.
Further amendment of the adopted agenda is to be avoided, but may be made by unanimous agreement of the Commissioners.
Following adoption of the agenda, the meeting shall be conducted in accordance with the current edition of Roberts Rules of Order, as interpreted by the Chair.
An opportunity for public input shall be provided for those wishing to make such input. Such opportunity is for the purpose of addressing statements or comments to the Commission and to provide new input regarding non-agenda items. Only questions which can be answered simply and fully will be accepted verbally at this time. Any questions of a more complicated or technical nature will be accepted in written form and responded to in a timely manner. All speakers will be limited to one appearance, of not ore than four minutes.
Public input for purposes of comment will be accepted from the public on each agenda item requiring a vote of the Commission. Such comment will be accepted only upon the invitation of the Chair, immediately prior to the Commission’s vote. Input at this time will be limited to one presentation, of not more than two minutes duration from any one speaker. Only questions which deal directly with clarification of the issue or the Commission’s pending action will be accepted and addressed at this time.
A question for the purpose of clarifying a reported item may be accepted at the discretion of the Chair.
At no time will the public be allowed to address a meeting other than through the office of the Chair.
Electronic recording of any part of any meeting is allowed, unless carried out in a manner which is disruptive to the meeting, and determined by the Chair.