Policy No. 2014-01 – Local Road Millage Program Project Selection Guidelines
Beginning in 2015, a county-wide millage will fund the restoration and rehabilitation of county local roads. The twelve-year program will rehabilitate and resurface over 261 miles of paved local roads currently rated as fair or poor and rehabilitate and regravel all 500 miles of existing gravel surfaced local roads. Additionally, the program provides for two applications of chloride dust control each year on all gravel surfaced local roads.
It is important to note what millage proceeds may NOT be used for:
Each year’s Millage Program will be designed to accomplish approximately 1/12th of the overall program in each township. Adjustments to the extent of each year’s program shall be made as necessary to meet budget requirements. Proposed projects will be reviewed and approved as a preliminary list by the Board of Eaton County Road Commissioners during the month of December each year. Information regarding the approved preliminary projects will then be provided to each township for review and comment. This information will also be posted on the Road Commission’s website.
The Board of Road Commissioners will review and consider comments regarding the preliminary project selections through February 15th of each year, and may add, delete or modify projects. The Board will approve its final project selections before March 1st of each year.
Paved Local Roads
Road segments included in the program each year will initially be prioritized by lowest PASER rating on local roads in each township separately, and within that listing further prioritized by the following criteria:
Gravel Surfaced Local Roads
Projects will initially be prioritized by the age of the existing surface material on each road segment in each township separately, and within that listing further prioritized by the following criteria:
Chloride Dust Control
The Road Commission will provide two applications of chloride dust control on all gravel surfaced roads each year during the millage period. Dust control application shall be made continuous from intersection to intersection and not applied as a spot treatment. Application will be made as weather permits in late spring and mid- to late summer.